Kamis, 29 Juli 2010
Looking for a scholarship...
Fellas...nice to meet you again in my personal blog. Since, I'm starting to dig more about my profession, so I kinda need a personal development. I know that it's quite silly to ask a question without anyone who wants to reply it. I address the question and I answer the question. Silly..anybody help me??
Permasalahan Dalam Thesis Saya?
Salah satu pokok yang tercantum dalam Universal Declaration of Human Rights menyebutkan bahwa terdapat persamaan persepsi mengenai hak dan kewajiban, tanpa mempertimbangkan perbedaan-perbedaan yang ada pada setiap orang (Unesco, 1948). Berdasarkan premis tersebut, setiap orang mempunyai hak dan kewajiban yang sama baik dalam diskusi mengenai permasalahan dasar seperti pendidikan, sebagaimana dalam konteks Indonesia diatur dalam UUD 1945 pasal 34, dan hal-hal yang lebih kompleks, seperti hak dan kewajiban berpolitik atau kebebasan menentukan agama dan kepercayaan. Lebih lanjut, basis politis di atas menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat memiliki sebuah “perlindungan” terhadap hak hidupnya, akan tetapi “perlindungan” terhadap penyandang cacat tetap masih diabaikan (diambil dari http://nasional.kompas.com/read/2010//Hak.Kerja.16.Juta.Orang.Cacat.Diabaikan).
Penulis mencoba untuk mengingat kembali permasalahan yang dialami oleh Balkiz Aishah Utami yang mengalami ROP – Retinopathy of Prematury, yang berakibat pada kebutaan. Dalam perkembangannya, Balkiz, mengalami permasalahan dalam memperoleh kesempatan pendidikan di sekolah umum, sedangkan Sekolah Luar Biasa yang dialamatkan untuk penyandang cacat secara ideal lebih dikhususkan kepada penyandang disabilitas ganda maupun multi disabilitas (diolah dari http://www.d-tarsidi.blogspot.com/). Dari fakta tersebut, kesempatan bagi penyandang cacat untuk mengembangkan potensi diri, baik dalam ranah pendidikan maupun pekerjaan, sangatlah terbatas dan “terkebiri”. Berdasarkan atas fakta tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan.
Penulis, sebagai praktisi dan peneliti linguistik, memiliki sebuah misi untuk membatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan meneliti sejauh mana penyandang cacat netra dapat meningkatkan potensi dirinya melalui ranah penerjemahan. Penerjemahan, sebagai sebuah diskursus dan praksis dari ilmu linguistik, memegang peranan penting dalam kehidupan globalisasi. Lebih lanjut, penerjemahan merupakan sebuah sarana penyampai pesan dari bahasa sumber ke bahasa reseptor. Dalam perkembangannya, kata, istilah, dan ungkapan dalam bahasa yang digunakan juga turut berubah sesuai dengan kemajuan zaman (Soenhadji, 2009). Hakikat perkembangan bahasa itu sendiri dipengaruhi oleh dua asumsi dasar, yaitu bahasa dipandang sebagai sistem tanda yang menyesuaikan diri dengan aturan-aturan yang membentuk sistem tata bahasa dan terlepas dari pemakainya, dalam kajian linguistik asumsi ini dikenal sebagai sistem kode kognitif yang mengedepankan fungsi bahasa sebagai sistem yang homogen. Asumsi yang kedua adalah bahasa dipandang sebagai sebuah sistem yang disampaikan melalui transmisi kultural yang bedasarkan atas perubahan tingkah laku yang dinamis (Syukur, 2009).
Dalam konteks ini, proses penerjemahan menjadi sebuah hal yang kompleks bagi penyandang cacat netra. Perkembangan bahasa yang pesat mengakibatkan penyandang cacat netra mengalami kesulitan, terutama dalam memahami signifier dan signified sebuah obyek. Simbol dari teori Saussure ini muncul dalam tataran sinkronis, dan hal ini akan menimbulkan permasalahan bagi mereka yang memiliki cacat netra karena kealpaan konsep dari obyek. Oleh karena itu, peneliti berusaha untuk mengungkapkan eksistensi kognitif orang cacat netra dan kemampuan praksis mereka dalam penerjemahan.
Penulis mencoba untuk mengingat kembali permasalahan yang dialami oleh Balkiz Aishah Utami yang mengalami ROP – Retinopathy of Prematury, yang berakibat pada kebutaan. Dalam perkembangannya, Balkiz, mengalami permasalahan dalam memperoleh kesempatan pendidikan di sekolah umum, sedangkan Sekolah Luar Biasa yang dialamatkan untuk penyandang cacat secara ideal lebih dikhususkan kepada penyandang disabilitas ganda maupun multi disabilitas (diolah dari http://www.d-tarsidi.blogspot.com/). Dari fakta tersebut, kesempatan bagi penyandang cacat untuk mengembangkan potensi diri, baik dalam ranah pendidikan maupun pekerjaan, sangatlah terbatas dan “terkebiri”. Berdasarkan atas fakta tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan.
Penulis, sebagai praktisi dan peneliti linguistik, memiliki sebuah misi untuk membatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan meneliti sejauh mana penyandang cacat netra dapat meningkatkan potensi dirinya melalui ranah penerjemahan. Penerjemahan, sebagai sebuah diskursus dan praksis dari ilmu linguistik, memegang peranan penting dalam kehidupan globalisasi. Lebih lanjut, penerjemahan merupakan sebuah sarana penyampai pesan dari bahasa sumber ke bahasa reseptor. Dalam perkembangannya, kata, istilah, dan ungkapan dalam bahasa yang digunakan juga turut berubah sesuai dengan kemajuan zaman (Soenhadji, 2009). Hakikat perkembangan bahasa itu sendiri dipengaruhi oleh dua asumsi dasar, yaitu bahasa dipandang sebagai sistem tanda yang menyesuaikan diri dengan aturan-aturan yang membentuk sistem tata bahasa dan terlepas dari pemakainya, dalam kajian linguistik asumsi ini dikenal sebagai sistem kode kognitif yang mengedepankan fungsi bahasa sebagai sistem yang homogen. Asumsi yang kedua adalah bahasa dipandang sebagai sebuah sistem yang disampaikan melalui transmisi kultural yang bedasarkan atas perubahan tingkah laku yang dinamis (Syukur, 2009).
Dalam konteks ini, proses penerjemahan menjadi sebuah hal yang kompleks bagi penyandang cacat netra. Perkembangan bahasa yang pesat mengakibatkan penyandang cacat netra mengalami kesulitan, terutama dalam memahami signifier dan signified sebuah obyek. Simbol dari teori Saussure ini muncul dalam tataran sinkronis, dan hal ini akan menimbulkan permasalahan bagi mereka yang memiliki cacat netra karena kealpaan konsep dari obyek. Oleh karena itu, peneliti berusaha untuk mengungkapkan eksistensi kognitif orang cacat netra dan kemampuan praksis mereka dalam penerjemahan.
Rabu, 17 Februari 2010
Hi again...I miss my nonsense readers
Hi lads, i really-really missing my time to write in this piece of layer. i have to ask myself whether this feeling is conscious or not. if ,y conscious feeling is harder than the latter, so it means that i have lost my writing sense or my computing (blogging to be exact..haha) sense. Since, i am a kind of lecturer rite now, so i have to boost my performance in writing. If i see my students writing down their creative instinct in a piece of paper, so i have to be jealous. I don't want to be too talky, but nuff said man..keep on writing and reading. Because, by having those two the leap is getting closer..ALL GEEKS REJOICE
Selasa, 17 Februari 2009
Hello lads! nice to see you again...well it's been a tiring month since i was accepted as a lecturer at Dian Nuswantoro University...i have to work harder than before, because i have to boost my knowledge..all the staffs are very nice and helpful...i think that this would be a wonderful journey in my life..well, there are some activities that have to be left behind because of my new job.. i hope that i can do my work perfectly and useful to others..what a wise hope
Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009
Nowadays, climate change is one of the most important issues discussed by people in the world. Climate change is the world’s catastrophe caused by human activity which increases the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the earth’s atmosphere, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuel use. This will cause the global average temperature increase, rise in sea level, and altered weather patterns. As the result of global average temperature increase, the oceans absorbs more of this heat, seawater expands and causes a rise in sea levels. Furthermore, there will be a significant impact and many of the most damaging consequences will be associated with the extremes and with altered weather patterns in particular.
In general, the climate change will affect the socio-economic factors, such as the loss of infrastructure, resource scarcity, and mass displacement of people. With most of the world’s cities located on coasts or river deltas, there is a clear threat from this rising sea levels and extreme weather events to human life. At the same time, there will be a greater scarcity of three essential resources: food, water, and energy. This scarcity will be occurring in a world where the global population is expected to increase from today’s six and a half billion to over nine billion by 2050 and this will result the mass displacement of peoples in the world.
In order to limit the possibility of terrorism act that is caused by the climate change, the Law Enforcement has to better their performance. Nowadays, threat is more visible, concrete, and more difficult to deal. There are some areas that should be considered, such as: demanding enhanced and more border security to limit the infiltration of terrorism act. Since climate change has become the world’s issue, it will erase the country limit and Law Enforcement should be more focus in anticipating this matter. Climate change threat is therefore, becoming an increasingly important part of international relations. Furthermore, the concrete and visible threat is going to occur in all over the world, for example, there is some evidence that in some current conflicts, they were caused by the drought and the resultant lack of water supplies. That concrete and visible threat is now become our responsibility to manage the better world and if we are not doing it, so that matter is going to be more difficult to be handled.
Those threats will be related tightly to the security consequences. Threat which comes from the result of climate change has a devastating impact to all people in the world. For example, if responses to the aftermath of the natural disasters are inadequate, then people may begin to lose confidence in the government’s ability to protect them and this may cause a breakdown in trust between the government and general public if government reaction is not enough to fulfill people’s needs. Furthermore, it will raise a protest aimed at governments over inadequate policy changes or aimed at corporations over environmental damage and it will increase the possibility for those who will apply violence and sabotage. Moreover, this situation can be easily infiltrated by the terrorists to do their terrorism act. So that is why climate-related factors could play an important role in triggering or prolonging conflict and the risks of climate change demand a rethink of approaches to security.
Nowadays, climate change is one of the most important issues discussed by people in the world. Climate change is the world’s catastrophe caused by human activity which increases the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the earth’s atmosphere, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuel use. This will cause the global average temperature increase, rise in sea level, and altered weather patterns. As the result of global average temperature increase, the oceans absorbs more of this heat, seawater expands and causes a rise in sea levels. Furthermore, there will be a significant impact and many of the most damaging consequences will be associated with the extremes and with altered weather patterns in particular.
In general, the climate change will affect the socio-economic factors, such as the loss of infrastructure, resource scarcity, and mass displacement of people. With most of the world’s cities located on coasts or river deltas, there is a clear threat from this rising sea levels and extreme weather events to human life. At the same time, there will be a greater scarcity of three essential resources: food, water, and energy. This scarcity will be occurring in a world where the global population is expected to increase from today’s six and a half billion to over nine billion by 2050 and this will result the mass displacement of peoples in the world.
In order to limit the possibility of terrorism act that is caused by the climate change, the Law Enforcement has to better their performance. Nowadays, threat is more visible, concrete, and more difficult to deal. There are some areas that should be considered, such as: demanding enhanced and more border security to limit the infiltration of terrorism act. Since climate change has become the world’s issue, it will erase the country limit and Law Enforcement should be more focus in anticipating this matter. Climate change threat is therefore, becoming an increasingly important part of international relations. Furthermore, the concrete and visible threat is going to occur in all over the world, for example, there is some evidence that in some current conflicts, they were caused by the drought and the resultant lack of water supplies. That concrete and visible threat is now become our responsibility to manage the better world and if we are not doing it, so that matter is going to be more difficult to be handled.
Those threats will be related tightly to the security consequences. Threat which comes from the result of climate change has a devastating impact to all people in the world. For example, if responses to the aftermath of the natural disasters are inadequate, then people may begin to lose confidence in the government’s ability to protect them and this may cause a breakdown in trust between the government and general public if government reaction is not enough to fulfill people’s needs. Furthermore, it will raise a protest aimed at governments over inadequate policy changes or aimed at corporations over environmental damage and it will increase the possibility for those who will apply violence and sabotage. Moreover, this situation can be easily infiltrated by the terrorists to do their terrorism act. So that is why climate-related factors could play an important role in triggering or prolonging conflict and the risks of climate change demand a rethink of approaches to security.
Rabu, 24 Desember 2008
I think it greatly depends on the situation, the context. I mean, what is loyalty? Is it staying to someone, however this someone behaves? Loyalty comes into play, when you think you have to stand by someone even if you don't approve of him or his actions. Another part is perhaps, as an example, to be a factor in the decision whom to support. Like in the question whom to help, rather your family, or a stranger, normally you would choose your family (if you have no clash with them) and one other thing coming to my mind: I think loyalty gets suspicious, if the target of your loyalty thinks he has to remind you of it. I mean, If you get explicitly remembered of "where your loyalty lies", even if you didn't do anything wrong beforehand, I would really question the intents of that person and loyalty doesn't always have to be obedience to the wishes of the target of your loyalty.
There are some cases that we can pick as examples, those examples are: Doctor/patient confidentiality brings up both loyalty (confidence) and honesty (truthful diagnoses, revelations of illness, etc.). Attorney/client privilege brings this up. Does a lawyer's loyalty to her client require her to be dishonest in the courtroom? Does a lawyer's requirement to be honest in the courtroom require her to be disloyal to her client? Parent/child protection is another. Do some of the lies that parents sometimes tell their children constitute (in part) loyalty? Does demonstrating familial solidarity excuse not being completely honest? Should a prisoner of war remain loyal to his country or be honest in an interrogation?
In the lawyer-client case, that "loyalty" is explicit in a contract (they supposedly can’t do/say anything that would incriminate their client), so they are kind of excused for being untruthful.
In the parent-child case they don’t mean to perpetuate that lie, just to postpone the truth until the kid is mature enough to understand it because they believe that it would be detrimental to them knowing the truth before that (this rests in such belief, if they knew that its not bad for them to know it, they would tell them the truth).
The soldier should have considered the possibility of that happening when he promised loyalty, if he was honest in the first place then there is no conflict and he will stay loyal, if not, I think it will goes to the other side. We know that for soldiers they have to obey and serve their country. We have the term “right or wrong is my country” and we will apply it in all situation.
Based on the examples above, we still face a cross opinion regarding loyalty and truth. But, personally I will choose loyalty above everything because truth is something that can be manipulated but when you are loyal I think it is going to be last forever.
There are some cases that we can pick as examples, those examples are: Doctor/patient confidentiality brings up both loyalty (confidence) and honesty (truthful diagnoses, revelations of illness, etc.). Attorney/client privilege brings this up. Does a lawyer's loyalty to her client require her to be dishonest in the courtroom? Does a lawyer's requirement to be honest in the courtroom require her to be disloyal to her client? Parent/child protection is another. Do some of the lies that parents sometimes tell their children constitute (in part) loyalty? Does demonstrating familial solidarity excuse not being completely honest? Should a prisoner of war remain loyal to his country or be honest in an interrogation?
In the lawyer-client case, that "loyalty" is explicit in a contract (they supposedly can’t do/say anything that would incriminate their client), so they are kind of excused for being untruthful.
In the parent-child case they don’t mean to perpetuate that lie, just to postpone the truth until the kid is mature enough to understand it because they believe that it would be detrimental to them knowing the truth before that (this rests in such belief, if they knew that its not bad for them to know it, they would tell them the truth).
The soldier should have considered the possibility of that happening when he promised loyalty, if he was honest in the first place then there is no conflict and he will stay loyal, if not, I think it will goes to the other side. We know that for soldiers they have to obey and serve their country. We have the term “right or wrong is my country” and we will apply it in all situation.
Based on the examples above, we still face a cross opinion regarding loyalty and truth. But, personally I will choose loyalty above everything because truth is something that can be manipulated but when you are loyal I think it is going to be last forever.
we wish you a merry christmas..we wish you a merry christmas..and a happy...(increasing tone) new (increasing tone)........girlfriend for me..(haha..jokin dudes) Raden Arief Nugroho..You rock!
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